Monday, August 30, 2010

To continue with the Swedish theme

Movie Title: Lyckantropen
Genre: I honestly couldn't say
Director: Steve Ericsson
Screenwriter: Steve Ericsson & Mikke Schiren
Actors: Julia Dehnisch, Felix Engström, Elin Klinga, Josefin Adner
Year: 2002
Production Company: Unknown
Country of Origin: Sweden

I discovered this short film because of the music. Ulver, a Norwegian group (I don't know if band is the right word for them) did the soundtrack which reminds me of an otherworldly John Carpenter-esque score. The film itself is entirely in Swedish with no subtitles, so I can only guess as to what it's really about. Based on the title and some of the imagery in the flick, I'd say that it has something to do with werewolves, but in the end, I'm really just guessing. It's interesting to watch a film that you can't understand. Do a Youtube search and you can find the whole thing, broken up into three parts. So sit back, throw on some headphones, turn out the lights, and watch away...

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

"Let the Right One In"

Movie title: Let the Right One In


Tomas Alfredson

John Ajvide Lindqvis

Main Actors:
Kare Hidebrant, Lina Leandersson


Production Company:

City/Country of Origin:

Personal notes:
Pat and I were talking about this film at Celebration V, mostly because the US remake had become a topic of conversation.  This moody, gripping vampire film breaks conventions by staying simple.  This isn't a sparkly, super-fast, super-strong vampire movie.  It's a story about a little girl who kills to survive and the boy she falls in love with.  It's a visceral, albeit sweet, vampire-love story.  Even if the rest of this film sucked, you should watch it for the stark cinematography.  Filmed in the North of Sweden in the dead of winter, this film looks and feels like white death.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

The best movies...

I'm setting up this blog to share cinematic tastes and treasures with my friends and followers.  I will be calling on my friends at first to share their favorite movies.  However, if you have come across this blog and wish to throw your hat into the ring, just send me an email with your review to

Here's the format:

Movie title:
Main Actors:
Production Company:
City/Country of Origin:
Personal notes: